duminică, 30 mai 2010


Since the day will come that all existing track is going to be replaced with Tillig Elite code 83, I started preparing for the operation. So the feeders from the track segments had to be un-soldered, as it can be seen in the photo. This was done for all the segments, so now there's nothing much that remains to be solved, except removing the pins that hold it in place. Just as the photo shows, they were another downside to this old track.

And since there was some spare time, I also started working towards installing an entry signal right next to the east tunnel portal. The signal will be a 4012 Viessmann - fitted with 3 lights - red, yellow, green. 4 wires have to be set-up for this one. Installing the wires is a bit complicated on this layout, because it wasn't build on just a plain wooden board. Back when it was designed, since there wasn't much space available in this room (it still isn't), the board was installed on 2 hinges, and it sits between 2 closets. When it's not in use, the layout is raised vertically, and a nice shiny wooden board appears. When it's being used, the board comes down.
Since wires couldn't just go through the board on the other side, a checkered maze of foam squares, about 1 cm high, was installed, and on top of this a foam board, about 3.5 cm thick. The plan was to route all the wiring through this maze. Unfortunately in practice it gets difficult, partly because the maze tunnels are getting crowded quickly by lots of wires, and adding new wires requires special equipment. So I started drilling access holes in the top foam board, for better access. In the second photo the wires are installed and labeled, ready for the new signal.

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