luni, 9 iulie 2012

Plaster Questions

There were always issues after sifting the first "earth" layer - most of it would simply not stick to the dried latex paint - and I suspected that the formula might contain too much dry pigment, making the plaster to pigment ratio too small, and perhaps this was making everything crumble. So after I applied the first layer on the corner of the D segment and found out the same problems as before, I decided to see if this was the cause of the problems. The brown washed out area is actually what's left of the first (and very thin) layer of earth after it was brushed and vacuumed up. On the center is a new layer of dirt applied, on the right there's just plain plaster over the same type of area and on the left there's just plaster sifted over a wet area of previously dried latex paint (2 coats). Even though the plaster was lightly sprayed with water after applying it, only the right patch actually partially glued itself to place, while the left one could just be brushed easily. 
So from now on I'm thinking applying the first layer using only plaster, clean this us after it's dried, and then use the real earth formula. The following days will decide what is best.
The 2 small rocks have already been colored, using a mix of Woodland Scenics yellow ochre, burnt umber and black. I'll have to finish this using some earth formula as well, both to blend them in the soil, and to give them that weathered look.

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