sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2011

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The grass around the talus near the big rock suffered some modifications, because the first combination used (2mm early autumn+4.5mm late autumn) didn't look quite right. This probably also had to do with a careless use of the GrasMaster, since the green blades were flat on the ground, with the brown "dead" ones upright, but in insufficient number, and invisible because of the green ones. The small boulders in the first photo still need to be treated with black weathering powder and drybrushed. The second photo shows the overall situation at this point, with the wooden crate and signalling telephone temporarily placed. The first 2 photos are actually a series of multiple snapshots, taken using different focus, and stacked together in Helicon Focus, while the 3rd is a single snap of another area of grass that's been redone.

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