miercuri, 9 decembrie 2015

Lighting the Faller Station

There's been some uncertainty about how to fix in place the Faller station, and also how to allow access to the lighting inside. The options were to either make the whole station removable from the layout, or avoid fixing the roofs (station + shed) so these can be removed in the future when needed. The latter was chosen, due to the disadvantages associated with the former, namely "breaking" the earth blend right next to the walls and the track ballast next to the corresponding track-side.

The lamp sockets and bulbs - Faller 180670 - are not included with the station (Faller 110096) as-is but I did purchase 3 of these a while ago. Since the sockets have each 2 holes, 1.5 mm in diameter, I've extended these to 2 mm, since I had plenty of 2mm bolts complete with nuts. The wires will have plenty of space, since the whole building will seat on beams, 2 cm in height, so the track terrain nearby is matched.
The Faller sockets come with pre-drilled holes
of 1.5 mm
Lamp sockets in place
Detail of the lamp socket in the station building,
slightly offset by mistake

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