sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

Brawa Platform

On the D segment, it's planned for a platform to show up. First photo shows the place - on the right of the track. I've bought one a while back, but as these things come with the natural plastic gloss, processing was in order. First, the grey parts were filed, so they wouldn't be smooth - this to confer some grip for the upcoming airbrush coats, and for some surface variety on the drybrushing step.For the bricks, 2 layers were used, in the formulas presented below:

First layer
 0,6 ml XF-7 (Flat Red)
 0,25 ml XF-64 (Red Brown)
 0,8 ml X-20A (Thinner)

Second layer
 0,3 ml XF-7
 0,05 ml red brown
 ? ml X-20A (Thinner) (quantity was most likely 0,4)

After this, the mortar lines inside the bricks were done, using some cloth soaked with Woodland Scenics Concrete. This was gently wiped right after with some wet cloth, to remove the color from the bricks themselves.
The rest of the grey stones were sprayed in a combination of XF-12 (J.N. Grey) and XF-79 (Linoleum Deck Brown) - unfortunately I don't have the exact formula anymore - judging by the end result however, a small amount of brown was used.

Next, drybrushing was done, on both bricks and stones, with various Woodland Scenics colors (Burnt Umber, Raw Umber). The rough edges on the grey stones were highlighted using WS Concrete. The final assembled piece looks pretty good for now.

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