marți, 19 octombrie 2010

LR track in place

The last piece of track needed for the LR was trimmed to size, all the right superelevated ballast foam pieces have been prepared, glue has been applied and right now it's all left to dry overnight.
An important thing i've observed tonight is how the Tillig joiners must be tight for glueing 2 adjacent pieces of curved track - the first pair used was kind of loose,and the kink was obvious. After changing them, everything got better, with the kink gone and half of the pins pinning the track down becoming useless.
Opinions about soldering the track are shared, but i choose not to solder because of 2 reasons: it doesn't look good from the examples i saw on the net and second, the track, just like the prototype, needs gaps at the end of each piece in order to contract/expand during periods of cold/warm weather. Soldering is however done on each piece of track, but to feeders. Actually this is how the old Piko track was done - with each sectional piece electrically connected to its neighbour by two thin fires placed under the ties. A bus will not be used for the current, since the original block scheme done for DC mode meant that for about 2 metres of track there was a separate pair of wires that fed it directly, this will be used, but now thwy will all carry the same DCC signal.

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